21 Things to Do on a Snow Day in Kansas City (Snow Day Activities)
Who doesn’t love a snow day? Snow days were always something we looked forward to growing up, but now as a parent…Not so much lol. Being stuck inside can be one of many things...
We can all agree we are surrounded by some of the Best Parks & Trails right here in Kansas City (like Loose Park), but there are so many more outdoor activities for kids to enjoy!
We gathered kids’ outdoor play ideas, fun games to play outside, and other outside activities for kids below. Check it out!
If you and your kids love to play outside, this is the page for you. Bookmark it!
Find swimming pools near you, Staycation Ideas with kids, the best playgrounds in KC, a Guide to Family Friendly Bike Trails, the best places to camp, apps for outdoors, good fishing spots, where to take outdoor family pictures, 22 Kansas City Spraygrounds & splash pads…the list goes on & on.
Who doesn’t love a snow day? Snow days were always something we looked forward to growing up, but now as a parent…Not so much lol. Being stuck inside can be one of many things...
The best sledding hills in Kansas City are those that we have fond memories of. But there are also other less-known sledding places around town. So we compiled a complete list of all the...
The kids are out of school, but what camps and activities are happening for Winter Break in Kansas City…? There are tons of things to do over Winter Break, including fun kids’ activities at...
It’s that time of year! We’ve got your complete guide to ice rinks in KC. Grab your mittens and hats and head to one of Kansas City’s ice skating rinks for some family fun!...
Kansas City’s sunflower fields will be in bloom this fall. It’s the perfect time to get out of the house and enjoy the Kansas state flower, so be sure to visit these beautiful sunflower...
Be sure to sign-up for The Scoop, so you don’t miss any of the 4th of July festivities! You will get the Weekend Planner delivered right to you every week…never search for things to...
Summer means it’s time to hit swimming pools in Kansas City to cool off & have fun family time. But, let’s face it, lugging the kids to the pool can be a lot of...
We all need to get outside and get moving. There are tons of fun parks in Kansas City for your kids to play. There’s no shortage of KC parks, but know the best part?...
Fun summer camps & programs are a part of childhood. They provide fun things to do in the Summer, as well as lasting memories. Special needs camps for kids are no different. It’s important...
When it comes to finding the perfect place to take pictures in Kansas City, there’s no short supply of ideas for family pictures. KC has some of the best places to take pictures! From...
If you’re looking to get outdoors with your family, hiking with the kids is a great endeavor you can enjoy together! There are multiple kid-friendly hiking trails that are perfect for your whole family....
There’s nothing quite like a real, live Christmas tree sitting in your living room during the holidays, especially one you cut at a local Christmas tree farm with your family. Smells from the pine...