Category: Homeschooling

Homeschooling & Supplemental Programs:

Check out the best homeschool curriculums & programs so your child can succeed!  These are great for homeschoolers OR supplemental resources for kids attending traditional schools.
One of our favorites is School House Teachers, because you pay 1 price annually, then get access to PreK to 12th grade materials…EVERYTHING on their site! Your entire family can utilize the one account for school help.
Homeschool Activities: PE, Art, Music & More

Homeschooling Programs & Supplemental Resources

School Lunch Ideas (for home)

Field Trip Ideas for Homeschoolers

Educational websites for Kids

Best Books for Kids

Reading is a cornerstone of learning & education in children. But finding the right books for kids can be challenging, depending on what you’re looking for. So we gathered some ideas for you for...