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We’re gathering nominations for THE favorite Kansas City BBQ and we want to hear from you! Submit your absolute favorite place to get KC BBQ and you are entered2win 4 passes to see any movie at any B&B Movie Theatre.
Right now, we’re gathering nominations, and then we will have our official voting so stay tuned!
Some Kansas City BBQ places are obviously very well known and on the top of everyone’s mind for Best KC BBQ. But we know there are lots of hidden gems too. Tell us your favorite, so we can include them in the voting. Submitting your favorite BBQ place in or around Kansas City, opts you into our email database to receive coupons, event announcements, freebies & Enter to Win opportunities. You can opt out at any time by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” button at the bottom of every email. We NEVER share or sell your information to anyone, ever.