Roblox Egg Hunt! Get in on the Virtual Fun
Roblox Virtual Egg Hunt is On!
We’re almost as excited about the new Roblox online Egg Hunt as the kids are. {If you don’t know what Roblox is, just ask your kiddos, they can teach you 😉 }
Are you ready for an exclusive mission?
Suit up!
The adventure is ready for you. Roblox has scrambled eggs for this hunt and there are 49 eggs to find. That’s right FORTY-NINE! If you track and find them all you earn the uber eggsclusive FabergEgg of the New Decade!
This journey is available now through April 28, so get started today. Put those spy skills in action starting with your new top-secret gadget, your very own Eggphone! Each agent is assigned a cellular device. This snazzy gadget assists in your mission, helping you log and track each of the eggs you’ve gathered and gives you valuable intel, so use it often!
Tracking and gathering eggs is fun, but wearing them is even better. Each egg you find doubles as a hat for your avatar.
Be sure to watch for field agents out and about too; there are developers, Roblox admin and video starts ready with launchers that fire three more exclusive eggs. {these extra eggs are not required for the ultimate prize}.
Get started here. ENJOY!
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