Homeschool Jump
An event especially for kids who are homeschooling or distance learning. Come get your PE credits or take a break from school work for some active play. We open up the park during the school day just for you!
$15.99 per child + $3.49 socks
Platinum attractions (access to ALL attractions)
Once monthly at each location on select Fridays, 1pm-3pm.
Check your local park website for Full Calendar for dates and times.
Click “My Park,” then, “Weekly Activities” in the dropdown menu. From there, scroll down and click, “View Full Calendar” to view the Google calendar and stay up-to-date on our in-house special events!
* Always check our websites for the most current information. Full month Google calendar available under “weekly events” tab. These in-house special events are cancelled during any school closures or holiday breaks.
LENEXA LOCATION: Select Fridays, 1pm-3pm
September 6th
October 4th
November 8th
December 6th
January 10th
January 31st
March 7th
April 4th
May 2nd
OVERLAND PARK LOCATION: Select Fridays, 1pm-3pm
September 20th
October 18th
November 15th
December 20th
January 24th
February 21st
March 28th
April 18th
May 16th